Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1 Week Down

  Ok so I have been on ReFirm for a week. I have had heartburn twice from the daily lean packets. Not sure why... But other than that~ great. I have struggled with a hunger issue between meals. Found that starchy carbs after 3pm is a bad idea for weight loss for me.
  [Background: I feel my body is smaller than it is. When I look in the mirror I don't see the person I feel that I am. Meaning there is a healthy fit person in there that's covered with layers of fat. I am getting closer to seeing the person I feel that I am.]
  Results from my first week: 5lbs lost and 3 inches lost with 2 of those from my hips. Awesome right! My fave part is that my shoulders/delts are toning up really nice. I look skinnier and my tummy isn't as bloated. I'm shrinking. I have lost a total of 8lbs since the beginning of the year and only 2 more til I get my 10lb reward which is a bracelet from zales with a believe charm for it. And every 10lbs I'm going to get a new charm to represent my accomplishment. I'M actually excited about this.
 I tried a soy protein shake and  YUCK! I guess it is back to eating eggs in the AM. LOL

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