Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bad weekend

This past weekend was one of eating badly. I did get a bunch of walking in but I didn't eat clean to take advantage of the exercise. I put on 4lb of water weight from the salt intake being a tad bit high. I have lost all but 1lb of it which should happen today. :) I need to ramp up my exercising. I am loving this warmer weather which will get me outside more now. I bought a kettle bell (10lbs), a weighted ball (8lbs), and a pair of 8lb dumbbells because 10lbs is a bit too heavy and 5lbs is too light. I am also using a pair of thigh slimmers and the waist slimmer to help wittle those areas.
I just restocked my daily lean packets as well as the Tone pills since it was the sale the first part of the month and I had some coupons. I told the guy that worked there my results and he said 5lbs were awesome results for a week. :) I'm hoping that it continues to falls off like that. :) I bought a size 8 swimsuit and I can get it on but I have to cram myself into it but I know that I probably could wear a 10. :) My size 16 jeans are officially fat girl jeans and my size 17 khakis are along with those. I had to get another pair of 14s to get me through the rest of the winter. Looking forward to getting size 12 shorts here soon. My shirt size is a medium now. i bought a bunch of med shirts for next winter and they fit now so I am thinking that I should have bought some Small ones. Exciting!!!!

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