Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Deck of Cards workout

I bought a deck of cards on clearance. I found some things on Pinterest about this which I decided to use for myself.
  My workout: Hearts: Squats
                        Diamonds: Push ups

                        Spades: Crunches
                        Clubs: Up-n-Downs
                        ACES: (10) calf raises
                        Jokers: March 1 min

                        #= reps 
                        Face cards= 20 reps
Squats can be any form that you like. I prefer to just cycle through sumo, regular, plie' and closed leg. Push ups, I am going to do the modified until I build up my strength. Up-n-Downs are putting hands on floor from standing lowering to knees and back to standing with hands being the last to come off the floor. Calf raises are just that raising up onto your toes. Marching or jogging in place for the 1 min.

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