Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Hi everyone! My name is Pam. I live in NW Arkansas. I am a mom to 2 little girls Miss S (4) and Miss P (2). They keep me busy. Also married almost 9 years.
  I have gotten chubby in this life. I am currently weighing in at 205. I started my 60 day program of ReFIRM from Complete Nutrition. So far so good. I have changed my diet too. I am using the Fit Bit one gadget as well and I love it. Working out and trying to reshape my body using DVDs, walking, and other activities.
  At the end of the 60 days, I will post before and after pictures and measurements with a review of the product. I will hopefully be at my goal by the end of the year which is 140lbs.
  I want to transform my life to one that's active and very fit. I have been "trying" to lose weight for over a decade and this time is different. I am going to be 30 in April and I don't want my next decade to be unhealthy and "frumpy". I want to be the inspiration for moms to know that they too can be fit and fabulous.
  Little about me... I am short, no style what so ever and large chested (which keeps me from being super bouncy in my workouts). I am LAZY!! For a while I just didn't care about myself. How many women are like this? I'm not sure but I want to be someone to help others out.
  Goals... I want to be 140. I want to be able to go to a store and buy clothes without being confused as to which department my sizes will be in. I hate shopping for my clothes. I went looking for stuff the other night and I couldn't figure out which side of Walmart to go on the Women's size has mostly larger sizes and the middle is full of clothes I wouldn't wear and the Juniors section where I HAVE no business being in LOL.
  I will post different exercises as well as other things that I have done with how I liked it etc.
  So keep tuned for more to come!

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