Monday, August 3, 2015

July Update

New Measurements:
weight: 217
chest: 44
r arm: 12.5
l arm: 12.5
r thigh: 29.5
l thigh: 29
r calf: 16
l calf: 16
waist: 39
hips: 46
total lost: 8.5 inches and 7lbs

Finished the month without any soda!!! So both my weight loss and diet challenges were achieved.
August I will lose another 7lbs and complete the cardio challenge. :)

Another update:
I started the NLA for Her Shred Stack in July and will continue until goal is reached. I have also picked up the pre workout and the aminos for the month of August.

So far 2015...

2015 is over halfway finished and I haven't reached many goals.
We went to Disney World back at the end of June. It was super fun. We visited my family in Jacksonville and we also visited family in North Carolina.
July 1st was the start of my new journey. I weighed 224 when I started. I have my measurements at the start:
l arm:13
r arm: 12.5
l thigh: 30.5
r thigh: 30
l calf: 16.5
r calf: 16.5
waist: 41.5
hips: 47

I decided to break up my weight loss into increments. I have mini goals which are 2lb marks on my Happy Scale app and then 10lbs and then major weight loss goals. Halloween: 196lbs (28lbs loss) Thanksgiving 189 lbs. (35lbs loss) Christmas 182lbs (42lbs loss) Valentines 171.5lbs. (52.5lbs loss) my 33rd birthday in April 157.5lbs (66.5lbs loss) my 12th anniversary in May 150.5lbs (73.5lbs loss) and July 140lbs (84lbs loss).

I have rewards for the 10lb mark written down to keep myself motivated.
once I get to 190, this is where I get stuck and I give up. Soooo I will work very hard to bust through to the 180s.
Once I hit July I will be getting set up for my mommy makeover. So excited. :)
My end of July totals: I lost 8.5 inches on my body and 7lbs. I also completed my July Challenge of no soda.
I am carrying that over to August and my challenge for August is to get in 5 days worth of cardio. I plan 3 of those days to be with my 5K running App. Today was the first day of cardio and I did Week 1 Day 1. It was ok. Calves hated me though.
At the end of August I will measure and then update the blog with results and I will also explain my Sept Challenge. All of my challenges will carry through to the next month. I may cheat with some for holidays but I will try very hard no to. Who can say no to PUMPKIN PIE yall?!!
Catch you on the flip side.