Thursday, July 11, 2013

Been a tiny bit unmotivated...

I'm just in a rut. With the July 4th holiday, my first week on the Turbo Carb Cycling was shot. A new week, this week and I have made it my first week instead of last week. So far so good. I also started my new cycle of water pills, and a new fat burner; both from GNC. Water pill is Xpel and the Lean 60 fat burner. I have taken the water pills before and they work to keep my hands from swelling during long periods of walking. So far I haven't noticed anything with the fat burner. Its cinnamon coated and sometimes I feel a burning sensation in my stomach from the flavoring but nothing that hurts. Its kind of like eating a cinnamon jolly rancher.

My friend took a picture of me on vacation at 220 or so pounds. I was wearing a size 20w jeans and was just humpty dumpty all over the place. The rainbow shirt I was 195 and was wearing a size 12 jeans. I am currently 191 and size 10. I didn't buy any 12s since I can wearing my 14s as shorts. I did however buy size 10s in case I need a pair of jeans to wear out. I also bought a size 8 to try on every now and then to check progress. Plus they were on clearance and since they are my fave brand and fit I bought them. Thought about buying size 6 but didn't want to get too far ahead of myself.
I am thinking of going to Wal-Mart soon and doing the above picture with all the sizes :) from size 22 all the way to 8! I have a goal of being in the 8s by the end of Sept. So all my Fall/Winter jeans will be 8s! So excited to see the Fit Girl inside come out. I also bought some Medium (juniors 7/9) tanks to workout in.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Update! its been almost 2 months!

Since 4/30 I have lost 5lbs! 2.2% body fat! 4.3 inches over all.
I have found a diet that works for me. Carb Cycling via Chris Powell. I was doing the regular cycle but I am moving onto the turbo carb cycling starting on Sunday. Sundays are my free days; M&T, Th&F are my low carb days; and W&S are my high carb days. its 3 weeks on and 1 week off. I started using protein powder. I found 2 I really like from Wal-Mart of all places. One is strawberry from body fortress its a whey and they also have a chocolate peanut butter. Going to try the reg. chocolate and the vanilla soon.
I go to the gym 3x a week for an hour and I try to walk over 5 miles 5x a week as well as working out at home. My body has changed drastically. No skinny chick here. Still got the Fuscle (fat over my muscles) over my arms back and  front and back of my thighs and calves. I have fat in the abs area, my booty, outer and inner thighs and some in the under arm area. Chiseling it away slowly.
I went and had a consultation with a plastic surgeon in May. I have a hernia and he can fix it cheaper than going to the hospital. Seriously?!? I was shocked I can get my breast reduction and tummy tuck for less than $10,500. I have to make goal and stay maintaining for at least 6 months for the best results. So hopefully this time next year I will be in the worse pain of my life and yes I have had one of my children naturally. LOL I hope its not going to be too bad. I will probably do a progress of the before and after on the blog.
I haven't seen 200 on the scale in over 2 months!! I am at 193. Only 5lbs away from my next mini goal of 188. Hopefully by the middle of July I can get there. No rush as long as a lb. a week comes off and I haven't really put on any weight I am happy. Also I am now wearing size 12 pants. I can get some 10s buttoned but they are still tight. So exciting that I could be in 8s by the fall!
Now for pictures!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I have almost finished my 2 months of Refirm. I'm a little disappointed with it. I lost 8lbs during the cycle and I spent too much money on it for just 8 lbs. Granted I didn't completed stay on a good diet but I didn't go crazy on eating bad stuff either. I will not be spending that kind of money again. I am going to get a Shred stack from it has a protein powder, a fat burner, and a recovery drink. Since I am getting into weight training hardcore, I need to start feeding my muscles to help them recover faster and to build them up. I have increased the amount of meals I consume to at least 5 meals. Limiting sugar and drink water. I have literally became obsessed with fitness modeling and I am trying to tell myself that diet is a big part of these women's fitness routines. I would love to be physically strong and to look like that. Slow and steady wins the race.
  I picked up the Oxygen magazine a few weeks ago and on the cover is Amanda Latona. OMGOSH!!! I want her shoulders. I found her shoulder routine. She's who I inspire to be like. I may not look exactly like that but I am going to work really hard to get my body in shape flabby skin and all. ;)
  Since joining the gym they have changed everything. No more unlimited training, no more women's gym... I am busted down to 3 days a week instead of 4 and it is a little depressing to say the least. I was using my one extra day for one on one and to learn new things that the trainer cant do during a group. So now I have to refocus!! Really hard to get started and to stay when crap gets switched up.
   So since its warmer I plan on going to the trail near where I live and get my cardio in. M, W, F will be devoted to the gym, trainer, and my C25K plan. T/Th will be walking the 5.2 miles paved and sometimes Ill head off paved for a different workout. I also bust out the weights at home. I need to add to my collection of weights at home. OBSESSED I tell ya'!
   My 9th anniversary is 15 days away! We are getting each other pillows for our bed as gifts!!! Bahaha. Its all good. That means I have less than a year to get into shape and to be bangin' for my boudoir shoot I am going to do for Spencer's 10th anniversary gift.
  Weigh ins... I have been not wanting to weigh myself. I cant get through 196 and I bounce between 196-200 BLAH>:O. lol. But here is a progress pic.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Week In

I have had my gym membership for a week. I have started working out with a train. She's fantastic.  So far I have had 4 sessions with her and its been nice. I only missed 2 days out of the 7 and those were Sat and Sun. I weighed in at 199 at the gym as my starting weight on Tuesday and yesterday I was 197!!! woot! So 11lbs so far! And it was at my usual weigh ins on Weds. So excited. Also been wanting to go to Walmart to try on size 12 in my favorite jeans to see what is going on! :) Hope all is going well.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day Of Spring!

Goals for this season:
  1. lose another 10lbs
  2. drop a pant size
  3. start Couch to 5K (c25k)
only 3 goals. yes, I can do this! :)
Do you guys out in Internet land have goals for this new season?

One Month In

Hey y'all. I am one month in using the ReFirm. I have lost 7lbs. I have lost inches too. 1.5" from my hips, 2" from my waist, 2" from each of my thighs, .5" from each bicep, and .5" from my bust!
I got sick last week when I tried the Jillian Michaels bloat flush stuff off Pinterest. I got 1.5 days in and was messed up all week. Will never do that again! So my weight loss isn't great but 7lbs in a month for me is AWESOME!!! I am below 200. So mini goal met! I have lost 10lbs since starting this weight loss journey in Jan. So I got my 1st bead from Hallmark. Thinking I should have gone more expensive with beads but I also think I can spend the extra savings on new clothes since I will need some more. My next mini goal will be 193! which is 5lbs away.
I went to Kohl's on Sat and tried on a size 12 Bermuda shorts and they buttoned! Awesome right! I also tried on some other shorts at Old Navy. Not knocking Old Navy but I won't shop there until I am much smaller. Their size 14 didn't fit and the 14s i bought from Walmart at getting too loose. :P at them! I got a different brand of pants at JCP to turn into capris or shorts for $4 but I rethought that idea when I put them on and OMGosh!! <3 them! So wish I would have gotten then in a 10 for this winter coming up. :) Maybe I can alter them to fit... We will see.  I got rid of my FAT girl clothes!!! Well actually they are sitting in a garbage bag waiting to be taken to the Good Will.
Oh I am the proud owner of a gym membership!!! I got Hubby one too and the girls can do their KID FIT classes too! Awesome! I went today and it was nice to get some cardio in on top of the strength training. I bought another outfit to workout in. The pants are a 12/14 Wahoo!!! I went from XXL (20) to L (12/14) in 3 months! I did get a large shirt though so I have room to move in.  Its the first day of Spring but here in NWA it is a bit chilly (45*) with a chance of snow this weekend! I am ready for warmer weather.
I also have been slathering on some tanning lotion. My little pasty white calves are darkening up pretty nice. I am using the Hemp lotion I bought at Walmart. Love the smell and no streaks that I can see.  I do have the tanning with my membership but I am not using it for the cancer issues that come with that. To each their own when it comes to fake bakin'! :)
I get to meet the personal trainer tomorrow and maybe sign up for a month or so of training so that I can get an idea of how to correctly get my fitness on! I am also revamping my rewards for weight lost! I am thinking I want to get some of those cute shirts with the fitness related saying on them or at least make my own!
My body is changing and I like that. I have 2 weeks or so til my BIG 30  birthday and I am hoping for another 10lbs lost! which would put me close to my goal of 25lbs lost by then.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Needing Inspiration

Needing some serious inspiration. I am at a plateau and I am depressed about it. But looking a this side by side I am getting smaller. The white shirt was at 208 or so lbs and I was wearing a size 16 jeans and xxl shirt. The orangish shirt I am at 199 and wearing a size 14 jean and xl shirt (juniors) (Medium in women's). I just liked this shirt and went with it. :)  I think ive lost some boobage. LOL thats makes me happy. I am firming up and gaining mass so I am thinking I probably need to check bf% lol

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bad weekend

This past weekend was one of eating badly. I did get a bunch of walking in but I didn't eat clean to take advantage of the exercise. I put on 4lb of water weight from the salt intake being a tad bit high. I have lost all but 1lb of it which should happen today. :) I need to ramp up my exercising. I am loving this warmer weather which will get me outside more now. I bought a kettle bell (10lbs), a weighted ball (8lbs), and a pair of 8lb dumbbells because 10lbs is a bit too heavy and 5lbs is too light. I am also using a pair of thigh slimmers and the waist slimmer to help wittle those areas.
I just restocked my daily lean packets as well as the Tone pills since it was the sale the first part of the month and I had some coupons. I told the guy that worked there my results and he said 5lbs were awesome results for a week. :) I'm hoping that it continues to falls off like that. :) I bought a size 8 swimsuit and I can get it on but I have to cram myself into it but I know that I probably could wear a 10. :) My size 16 jeans are officially fat girl jeans and my size 17 khakis are along with those. I had to get another pair of 14s to get me through the rest of the winter. Looking forward to getting size 12 shorts here soon. My shirt size is a medium now. i bought a bunch of med shirts for next winter and they fit now so I am thinking that I should have bought some Small ones. Exciting!!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1 Week Down

  Ok so I have been on ReFirm for a week. I have had heartburn twice from the daily lean packets. Not sure why... But other than that~ great. I have struggled with a hunger issue between meals. Found that starchy carbs after 3pm is a bad idea for weight loss for me.
  [Background: I feel my body is smaller than it is. When I look in the mirror I don't see the person I feel that I am. Meaning there is a healthy fit person in there that's covered with layers of fat. I am getting closer to seeing the person I feel that I am.]
  Results from my first week: 5lbs lost and 3 inches lost with 2 of those from my hips. Awesome right! My fave part is that my shoulders/delts are toning up really nice. I look skinnier and my tummy isn't as bloated. I'm shrinking. I have lost a total of 8lbs since the beginning of the year and only 2 more til I get my 10lb reward which is a bracelet from zales with a believe charm for it. And every 10lbs I'm going to get a new charm to represent my accomplishment. I'M actually excited about this.
 I tried a soy protein shake and  YUCK! I guess it is back to eating eggs in the AM. LOL

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I bought myself a FitBit one in burgundy. I LOVE this thing!!! Its my new BFF. Its a activity tracker and sleep tracker. Love syncing and checking out my progress as well as trying to get better data every day!
That is the activity flower. The more active you are the more leaves it adds. That was after working out and walking alot. right now just sitting around and blogging its at 1 leave with the flower. It shows cals burned, steps walked, floors and distance. Also you can program an alarm which will vibrate your arm when its time to get up. The sleep tracker notes any movement and time you were in bed (after getting the timer activated) and when you fell asleep and how long you actually slept for. AWESOME!!!. Totally recommend this thing. You can add friends and compete with each other. So if you have one come to my profile and add me!!! My Fitbit profile. Oh and the battery is crazy awesome!! The charge lasts for 5 -7 days!!! :)  You can get these online or from BestBuy!! They also have a wireless scale that I really want!!!


I am currently on ReFirm  from Complete Nutrition.
Is the kit I bought from my local CN. It has both the Am and Pm pills in it. I had the black Am pills which is an ehanced version. It also has the daily lean packets which are your mulit vit, mood and focus and belly fat blaster. I am also taking Tone. Trent at CN gave me a sheet with food choices and exercise choices as well as his card for when I have questions. To find your local store go here: Store Locator . They have people there that are interested in helping you reach your goals.

Day 1: so far so good. No crazy side effects that I was reading about. Yay!!! :) Cant wait til this 60 days are up and see what my progress is. :)

Deck of Cards workout

I bought a deck of cards on clearance. I found some things on Pinterest about this which I decided to use for myself.
  My workout: Hearts: Squats
                        Diamonds: Push ups

                        Spades: Crunches
                        Clubs: Up-n-Downs
                        ACES: (10) calf raises
                        Jokers: March 1 min

                        #= reps 
                        Face cards= 20 reps
Squats can be any form that you like. I prefer to just cycle through sumo, regular, plie' and closed leg. Push ups, I am going to do the modified until I build up my strength. Up-n-Downs are putting hands on floor from standing lowering to knees and back to standing with hands being the last to come off the floor. Calf raises are just that raising up onto your toes. Marching or jogging in place for the 1 min.


Hi everyone! My name is Pam. I live in NW Arkansas. I am a mom to 2 little girls Miss S (4) and Miss P (2). They keep me busy. Also married almost 9 years.
  I have gotten chubby in this life. I am currently weighing in at 205. I started my 60 day program of ReFIRM from Complete Nutrition. So far so good. I have changed my diet too. I am using the Fit Bit one gadget as well and I love it. Working out and trying to reshape my body using DVDs, walking, and other activities.
  At the end of the 60 days, I will post before and after pictures and measurements with a review of the product. I will hopefully be at my goal by the end of the year which is 140lbs.
  I want to transform my life to one that's active and very fit. I have been "trying" to lose weight for over a decade and this time is different. I am going to be 30 in April and I don't want my next decade to be unhealthy and "frumpy". I want to be the inspiration for moms to know that they too can be fit and fabulous.
  Little about me... I am short, no style what so ever and large chested (which keeps me from being super bouncy in my workouts). I am LAZY!! For a while I just didn't care about myself. How many women are like this? I'm not sure but I want to be someone to help others out.
  Goals... I want to be 140. I want to be able to go to a store and buy clothes without being confused as to which department my sizes will be in. I hate shopping for my clothes. I went looking for stuff the other night and I couldn't figure out which side of Walmart to go on the Women's size has mostly larger sizes and the middle is full of clothes I wouldn't wear and the Juniors section where I HAVE no business being in LOL.
  I will post different exercises as well as other things that I have done with how I liked it etc.
  So keep tuned for more to come!