Friday, June 21, 2013

Update! its been almost 2 months!

Since 4/30 I have lost 5lbs! 2.2% body fat! 4.3 inches over all.
I have found a diet that works for me. Carb Cycling via Chris Powell. I was doing the regular cycle but I am moving onto the turbo carb cycling starting on Sunday. Sundays are my free days; M&T, Th&F are my low carb days; and W&S are my high carb days. its 3 weeks on and 1 week off. I started using protein powder. I found 2 I really like from Wal-Mart of all places. One is strawberry from body fortress its a whey and they also have a chocolate peanut butter. Going to try the reg. chocolate and the vanilla soon.
I go to the gym 3x a week for an hour and I try to walk over 5 miles 5x a week as well as working out at home. My body has changed drastically. No skinny chick here. Still got the Fuscle (fat over my muscles) over my arms back and  front and back of my thighs and calves. I have fat in the abs area, my booty, outer and inner thighs and some in the under arm area. Chiseling it away slowly.
I went and had a consultation with a plastic surgeon in May. I have a hernia and he can fix it cheaper than going to the hospital. Seriously?!? I was shocked I can get my breast reduction and tummy tuck for less than $10,500. I have to make goal and stay maintaining for at least 6 months for the best results. So hopefully this time next year I will be in the worse pain of my life and yes I have had one of my children naturally. LOL I hope its not going to be too bad. I will probably do a progress of the before and after on the blog.
I haven't seen 200 on the scale in over 2 months!! I am at 193. Only 5lbs away from my next mini goal of 188. Hopefully by the middle of July I can get there. No rush as long as a lb. a week comes off and I haven't really put on any weight I am happy. Also I am now wearing size 12 pants. I can get some 10s buttoned but they are still tight. So exciting that I could be in 8s by the fall!
Now for pictures!

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