Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I have almost finished my 2 months of Refirm. I'm a little disappointed with it. I lost 8lbs during the cycle and I spent too much money on it for just 8 lbs. Granted I didn't completed stay on a good diet but I didn't go crazy on eating bad stuff either. I will not be spending that kind of money again. I am going to get a Shred stack from Bodybuilding.com it has a protein powder, a fat burner, and a recovery drink. Since I am getting into weight training hardcore, I need to start feeding my muscles to help them recover faster and to build them up. I have increased the amount of meals I consume to at least 5 meals. Limiting sugar and drink water. I have literally became obsessed with fitness modeling and I am trying to tell myself that diet is a big part of these women's fitness routines. I would love to be physically strong and to look like that. Slow and steady wins the race.
  I picked up the Oxygen magazine a few weeks ago and on the cover is Amanda Latona. OMGOSH!!! I want her shoulders. I found her shoulder routine. She's who I inspire to be like. I may not look exactly like that but I am going to work really hard to get my body in shape flabby skin and all. ;)
  Since joining the gym they have changed everything. No more unlimited training, no more women's gym... I am busted down to 3 days a week instead of 4 and it is a little depressing to say the least. I was using my one extra day for one on one and to learn new things that the trainer cant do during a group. So now I have to refocus!! Really hard to get started and to stay when crap gets switched up.
   So since its warmer I plan on going to the trail near where I live and get my cardio in. M, W, F will be devoted to the gym, trainer, and my C25K plan. T/Th will be walking the 5.2 miles paved and sometimes Ill head off paved for a different workout. I also bust out the weights at home. I need to add to my collection of weights at home. OBSESSED I tell ya'!
   My 9th anniversary is 15 days away! We are getting each other pillows for our bed as gifts!!! Bahaha. Its all good. That means I have less than a year to get into shape and to be bangin' for my boudoir shoot I am going to do for Spencer's 10th anniversary gift.
  Weigh ins... I have been not wanting to weigh myself. I cant get through 196 and I bounce between 196-200 BLAH>:O. lol. But here is a progress pic.

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